The second book of the series is out!!!

Rogue Hunter: The Forest Hood Series Book 2

They follow her everywhere…

Milky white ghosts form a fog around Arrow’s every step as she tries to come to grips with her father’s death by the same woman who orchestrated her mother’s death. She begins to crawl out with the help of those around her, only to realize they are looking for her to lead them.

The Iceland’s are as barren and cold as the stories portray them to be. Will the search for sanctuary prove to be too much, or will the rogues who roam wild without an alpha or pack be a far greater threat than anybody could have anticipated?

When it is noticed that Rekker is following the Greenwood and captures someone close to Arrow, revenge boils her blood.

As hard truths come to light, bringing more questions, Arrow’s trust in Einri is threatened. As if that’s not enough, the King of Brural reaches out wanting to form an alliance against Asena but Arrow is suspicious.

Can Einri and Arrow overcome their trust issues and form an alliance for the betterment of the Greenwood?

Announcing my new series!!!

I’m in love with this cover!

Blood Arrow: The Forest Hood Series Book One

Arrow of Loxley isn’t the simpering lady of court she pretends to be. Since her father left to fight in the war, the facade is one she must abide by while she, and her cousin Will, are wards of the King.

Yet, finally, peace talks have begun between King Rusalko and King Graeme. As a sign of good faith, twelve ladies from each court will travel to the opposite kingdom to learn their ways and join their society.

Through the trees, Arrow witnesses Bruralians burying the body of her cousin. Little do they know, Will isn’t dead. The fact he survived must remain a secret, or the Bruralians will come for him again. When the matter is disregarded by the King, Arrow takes it upon herself to protect Will.

While a war veteran helps Arrow get her cousin to safety, she discovers there is more to the war than either kingdom lets on. Witchcraft. Shapeshifters. Bloody massacres. Violent beasts. The real battle is for the title of Alpha, and wolves lurk in plain sight.

With the truth revealed, Arrow ponders where her loyalties should lie. Questions morph into icy resolve. Now, she will stop at nothing to protect those she cares for… including defying a King or three.